Colossus’s “Fastball Special” Synergy

The Fastball Special is Colossus and Wolverine’s signature move when fighting together. With the new update coming to our big Russian friend, wouldn’t it be awesome for him to get a powerful synergy as an homage to this classic attack?

But this move isn’t exclusive to Wolverine; Old Man Logan, Deadpool and the mighty Magneto have all played ball with Colossus at one point or another.

Now as far as the actual synergy bonus, I was thinking we could each come up with something and post it below... Cheers!

But this move isn’t exclusive to Wolverine; Old Man Logan, Deadpool and the mighty Magneto have all played ball with Colossus at one point or another.

Now as far as the actual synergy bonus, I was thinking we could each come up with something and post it below... Cheers!
And lastly give them a Synergy between each other that if active, adds an extra 5 Seconds to their respective Sp3 Abilities.