16.8mil 5x5 Gold Alliance

LXG is currently looking for skilled active members to join our ranks. We are a newer alliance with a lot of veteran experienced player.
We run map 5x5 in AQ and complete everyday. We run 3 bgs for AW and are climbing the tiers very fast. We do normal map 5 donations and do not have event minimums. As long as people are active we place well in events. We are after good rewards but also want to have a good time doing it

Our goal:
Top 500 AQ rewards
AW gold 1 or higher
Must have map 5 experience
Must be able to run AQ and AW simultaneously. ( Also being able to effectively clear )
Must be active
Must be 18+
If interested please message me on line and I will get back to you ASAP
ID: djackzx
My roster depth isn’t great but I’m able to do map5 mini and boss no problem.
Also can do my war path, and mini too. Have 65555 aq experience and tier 7 war. Line is is xrated157 if I fit the bill
Don’t want to be fooled either. Like I have been