My iceman has been unpuded for more than a year with Blade. Since I have just cleared act 5 last night, and going for Caballiero, used it on Icey for the fights. I hope I didnt make a mistake..
I had two. Had one for ages and ages and finally used it on CAIW. Probably not the best choice but got sick of never using it on anyone and science is my weakest class and the only class I have never pulled a gem for. Still have a generic so all good.
I have science gem, 2 skill gems and a generic. Already have medusa, omega, sabertooth at 4/55. I can take care of void and blade or aegon with class gem. Where would the generic one go!
I have science gem, 2 skill gems and a generic. Already have medusa, omega, sabertooth at 4/55. I can take care of void and blade or aegon with class gem. Where would the generic one go!
Medusa, Omega or saberthoot then? Medusa or Omega then. I will go for Omega
With my current roster I'd use it on Omega Red. He's 4/55, I have a tech, skill and mystic gem already for Ghost, Aegon and Sym Supreme. Blade, AA, cap IW, SL I have awakened all 4/55 or 5/65
Used the 1st generic on SL, wasn’t until I had taken him to max sig with sig stones that I pulled him again from a basic crystal. That pull was after I had done several runs in Labyrinth.
The 2nd generic is still sitting in my inventory, just waiting...........
Used my generic on Gwenpool when A5.4 came out. I only recently pulled her a second time from the basic crystal so I’d say it was worthwhile. She tanked a lot of sp3s from Thanos for me. 😂
Used my generic on aegon. He's at R4 now with Sig 120. Blade is already awakened. Used a science on cap iw. Got 1 more science for void and waiting. Have 2 mutants gem. 1 for Omega waiting. 1 for I don't know maybe AA. I have AA but haven't used it.
Used a generic on aegon and took him to r5. Need sig stones now as i had only 20 left as i only got my elders bane a monrh ago and Used class gems on KM, Hype, CAIW and magik they are all r4 and +100sig
Had 2 - used one on Medusa - no regrets. The other is still in inventory, but seriously consider giving it to Blade. I am hesitating as I was late to pull him.
Used my only generic so far on Medusa and she's 5/65. No regrets there. Used a skill on Ægon and have another skill I'm debating on for Blade/Gwenpool. Have a science I'm saving for Void or CAIW whoever comes first. And finally 4 techs I will probably use 2 on Ghost and SL and save one for Sparky. If I had another generic, only champ I'd use it on right now is Omega Red. Cheers!
We all have classes that we always get and classes that we never get. That has to be taken into account. I used my last generic on Void. It's a character that is worth it, but in my case it was a mistake. I got my third science gem a week later in the free awakening gem that was sent to everyone. Next time that I get a generic, I am saving it for someone who is worth it and also in a class in which I never get awakening gems for. In my case: tech and skill, or maybe mutant which I have only gotten two.
Currently I have 1 generic, 1 science, and 1 cosmic. I have awakend OR,Blade,CapIW,Hype,Sparky, THING, and OG Vision. My magik has been at ranked 3 unawakened forever and in my new alliance everyone has her at rank 5/65. My question is should I use my generic on Magik or wait for someone else and if not who am I waiting for? Thx
He's 4/55, I have a tech, skill and mystic gem already for Ghost, Aegon and Sym Supreme.
Blade, AA, cap IW, SL I have awakened all 4/55 or 5/65
The 2nd generic is still sitting in my inventory, just waiting...........
Omega Red r5 Sig 200
AA r4 Sig 80
All well worth it.
My question is should I use my generic on Magik or wait for someone else and if not who am I waiting for? Thx