5* hyperion or 5* medusa for generic gem

Scrubkiller_1Scrubkiller_1 Member Posts: 152
Would take the utility of either of them. Have a sig 99 medusa 4* that i rarely use, but she covers the basics of what medusa needs to do for me. I have most champs that i need awakened already awakened... not sure if both are worth the gem, but my ally already has both 5/65 high sig for AWD... so keep that in mind. Thanks, any advice is appreciated!

5* hyperion or 5* medusa for generic gem 36 votes

thetaman23TeddersCropDusterSpiderCoolsCrimsontide1616NycflipperMiStaLovaISpankTurtlesgp87RazeStrikeÆgon0710Mcocplayer1AlexG29Thicco_ModeTravNationCtfz35Cowabunga 17 votes
winterthurBendersBountyrataclansB_Dizzle_01TJ107LoctiteSuperGlueGritabitBryliantu93LainuaFunopoly 10 votes
Wait for another champ (ex. Aegon, Nick Fury, AA, etc.)
ManiacalMeTerraJim0172Hammerbro_64RasiloverJohn757LordRaymond3RaveNNVOLK1902 9 votes


  • Thanos_CarThanos_Car Member Posts: 298
    Both aren't really worth a generic gem imo, but hype is your best bet.
  • Scrubkiller_1Scrubkiller_1 Member Posts: 152
    I have 47 cosmic sig stones. The only strong champs i dont have yet worth a generic imo are AA (maybe), nick fury, aegon, ghost (not worth generic imo), void, cap iw.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    This is such a tough call, and I have both of them.
  • LordRaymond3LordRaymond3 Member Posts: 394 ★★★
    Wait for another champ (ex. Aegon, Nick Fury, AA, etc.)
    GENERIC??? Neither are really worth it. There's so many other champs that the awakened ability makes or breaks the champ that you should definitely save considering the huge basic pool and the chances of duping a good champ is so small
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Wait for another champ (ex. Aegon, Nick Fury, AA, etc.)
    Save it for Ægon or Void. Those 2 are the current SL and SW.
  • BendersBountyBendersBounty Member Posts: 160
    Don’t listen to the people saying Hyperion. Medusa needs it a lot more than Hyperion. Hype doesn’t need to be awakened to be a god, Medusa really needs the gem to be an ultimate damage demon. And Medusa easily outclasses Hyperion.
  • Scrubkiller_1Scrubkiller_1 Member Posts: 152
    Simply to play devil's advocate and get more advice... medusa's dmg is simply increased by a decent amount (but she also gets autoblock), unlike hyperion who gets up to 75% more buff duration. Thats why its so difficult for me, if either.
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