Which of these 5 star champions should I rank up for starting uncollected

Hi Everyone
I've just beaten Mastreo at act 4 (and to be honest he was quite easy to deafet) and now I face act 5. I know that I'll need a stacked up 5 star to complete this, but the problem is the three I own are absolutely garbage. It takes me months to get a 5 star and then find out it was for nothing as I get kabamed. I do have some good 4 stars, but I'don't have any where near enough materials to rank one up fully. Which of these champions are most suitable for act 5. Because I'm begining to think that it should be Howard the Duck just for the sake of memes.
I've just beaten Mastreo at act 4 (and to be honest he was quite easy to deafet) and now I face act 5. I know that I'll need a stacked up 5 star to complete this, but the problem is the three I own are absolutely garbage. It takes me months to get a 5 star and then find out it was for nothing as I get kabamed. I do have some good 4 stars, but I'don't have any where near enough materials to rank one up fully. Which of these champions are most suitable for act 5. Because I'm begining to think that it should be Howard the Duck just for the sake of memes.
Which of these 5 star champions should I rank up for starting uncollected 25 votes
Sparky's synergy w/ Vulture
Doc Ock's synergy w/ Vulture
Vulture's synergies. (I only have him as a 3*, so I'm sure 5* version has more synergies)
Hope this helps.
Carnage at 2/5
Luke Cage at 2/5
Heimdall (haven't ranked him up at all)
Quake at 2/5 or 3/5
Starlord at 2/5
X-23 at 2/5 or 3/5
The main ones I use that are at least 3/5 or higher which are:
Old Man Logan awakened at 20 sig level
Hulk at 38 sig level
Blade (unawakened)
Stark Spidey (unawakened)
As far as materials, every week when you get glory, use it to buy the sets of 18,000 t4b frags in the glory store. If everything you listed above is the extent of your 4* and 5* roster, then you're a long way from being able to handle Act 5.
Your top two priorities should be r5ing Blade and Sparky. In the meantime you should be completing every difficulty you can handle of each month's EQ, as well as fully exploring the highest difficulty you can handle.
You should also start working on fully exploring Act 4. That's gonna be by far the best way for you to farm iso to level up your champs. Mastreo is one thing. The Collector on 5.2.6 is a whole different ballgame, and you won't stand a chance without a MINIMUM of five r5 4* champs. I know you wanna become Uncollected, but you're a looooong way from having a strong enough roster. Focus on doing everything you can to rank up. Out of the champs you listed, this is the team I would most recommend working towards:
Blade r5
Sparky r5
Hulk r5
Luke Cage r5
Starlord r5 IF he's duped, if he's not x-23 r5
I would rank Sparky, LC, and Blade for sure if they're you're best. Quake is hard to play but is one of the absolute best champs in the game IMO. She can work around a ton of annoying nodes and champs if played right.
I would rank X-23 for bleed and regen. And since you have Blade and X-23, you might want to consider getting the deep wounds mastery for more bleed damage.
At the beginning of a fight you get a random buff or debuff, as Degeneration, bleed, armor up or rage. When you get a champ that hits 15 hits to kill the enemy, you dont have to worry about These debuffs that much. But OML hits 50 times and in this time, he will for sure loose 50% by any Degeneration. His heal is like 25 hp per secont, which is not enough to stand against 70 poison damage per second....
Not to sound rude or anything, but I'm having a really difficult time understanding how you beat Act 4 with no Parry and 1 maybe 2 champs above r3. The fact that you said you found Maestro to be easy on top of that makes zero sense to me.
And if you "only just bought dexterity" that means you somehow managed to clear the majority of the Act 4 levels with low ranked champs who can't Parry or Dex.
and i went through akt 4 chapter 1 and 2 only with a 3 star max duped hulk ^^ and i only ad 3 4 stars that time xD