Matchmaking nightmare.

The last two Alliance Wars for my alliance has featured alliances with over 3 times our ranking making it impossible. Support essentially said yeah, we'll let someone know we're closing the case. Our alliance can't be the only one with this problem. Even the Wars we get that we win are too easy. What is this MATCH MAKING you speak of? Is the system so broken that it can't find a match ever? It's hard enough to get active people to play, just to waste our time by allowing mismatched wars. This game is a mess.
Sometimes you run into a more experienced Alliance and they roll you. Other times it plays in your favor. Do the math. Is your win to loss ratio close? Are you CONSTANTLY losing and rarely winning? The system tends to balance itself out. Right now we're 5 and 4 (5 wins and 4 losses). Pretty balanced. When we lost, we only miss the mark by a little. Is your Alliance organized, or is it a free for all? There's a LOT that goes into making a war go in your favor beyond the matchmaking process. A little more information and maybe some help can be provided or clarity achieved as to why you're experiencing issues with war.