An impassioned plea to Developers

Please. Please use the Stones on the Avengers to Buff them. This is a perfect beta test. They have been touched by the stones powers. They are now imbued by the power of the stones and gain all benefits and powers afforded them.
All of a sudden Avengers (which should be some of the best champs in the game hands down) are awesome again. They have been begging for a buff as long as the game has been in existence. Except for Scarlet Witch (and arguably Hawkeye with hit bleed/pow cnrl and possibly Hulk after his “Buff” (Seriously You Took My Hulk Head Butt And I Will Never Forgive You For That...but this would go a Long way to rectifying that). Take these champs and this beautiful opportunity to power them up to the current meta of the game.
It’s the Avengers for Frick Sake!
All of a sudden Avengers (which should be some of the best champs in the game hands down) are awesome again. They have been begging for a buff as long as the game has been in existence. Except for Scarlet Witch (and arguably Hawkeye with hit bleed/pow cnrl and possibly Hulk after his “Buff” (Seriously You Took My Hulk Head Butt And I Will Never Forgive You For That...but this would go a Long way to rectifying that). Take these champs and this beautiful opportunity to power them up to the current meta of the game.
It’s the Avengers for Frick Sake!
Its making some of us like Gollum. Jk
Come to think of it, it’s not an obsession. But rather a new found interest in playing an old toy. After r5-ing an op champ, we play it constantly until we have had enough and find a new op toy to play with.
Why not every month, make a champ op on a side quest, and let everyone play with it for fun? Let the cycle be for meh to trash champs.
How about that, Kabam?
GR can only do it 1 time until you reset judgements. Even then you need to build judgements to make it worth it. Also his regen can be nullified.
Yes Mr Sinister can do that on crits but not every hit is a crit.
Regardless, still not going to happen. Cap and Hulk would absolutely break the game.