How to use ghost

ScarRealmScarRealm Member Posts: 44
So I got lucky today with my first five star and got ghost but I’m not sure how to use her properly any tips?


  • ScarRealmScarRealm Member Posts: 44

  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,660 ★★★★★
    Well her synergys help her greatly but isn't necessary. For best tactic its backdraft and lay into opponent in a timely fashion. Her damage out out comes from phasing with a dash back. Then throwing a sp2, which with wasp synergy makes it unblockable. She's quite fickle to master, but if you can she's very rewarding. Nice pull on her
  • Duke_SilverDuke_Silver Member Posts: 2,421 ★★★★
    Having Wasp and Antman will be helpful for learning how to use her, but if you don’t have them, there’s still plenty of ways to get the hang of it. Remember whenever you throw a special Attack, do it right after you phase (be careful the opponent doesn’t block you, the Wasp synergy eliminates this with unblockable specials). Using her heavy Attack can generate furies and crueltys that can increase her damage by crazy amounts. Huge win for u btw, congrats!
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    I've been watching this YouTube vid Be prepared... It's long because Ghost seems like a complex champ to master but her potential is worth it.
  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    I posted a quick write up for the "new ghost user" here:

    scroll down a bit to find my long post .. ;)

    There's some additional comments and such made by others, so I'll leave you to read that thread .. if I copy/paste the text here, we lose the other relevant notes .. ;)

    I just recently completed 5.2.6 and became uncollected thanks to my 5* R3 unduped Ghost .. so yeah .. sweet champ :) hehe
    Takes some practice, but the "basics" aren't too hard.

    Some of the really "over the top" stuff I've seen true pros pull off still baffle me!! LOL
  • Ch1efsterCh1efster Member Posts: 477 ★★★
    I took my 5* up to r4 immediately after I got her and 5* wasp from featured crystals. I don't use her as much as I probably should though. I know how to use her, but can't get a handle on the phase intercepts that I see in videos. Seems like in all these videos, the opponent constantly attacks and misses into their phase. Every time I try, the enemy backs up and sits there. Guessing that has more to do with strange AI behavior lately, but same thing happened before this.
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,611 ★★★★★
    Ch1efster said:

    I took my 5* up to r4 immediately after I got her and 5* wasp from featured crystals. I don't use her as much as I probably should though. I know how to use her, but can't get a handle on the phase intercepts that I see in videos. Seems like in all these videos, the opponent constantly attacks and misses into their phase. Every time I try, the enemy backs up and sits there. Guessing that has more to do with strange AI behavior lately, but same thing happened before this.

    That the stupid ai.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 867 ★★★
    Ch1efster said:

    I took my 5* up to r4 immediately after I got her and 5* wasp from featured crystals. I don't use her as much as I probably should though. I know how to use her, but can't get a handle on the phase intercepts that I see in videos. Seems like in all these videos, the opponent constantly attacks and misses into their phase. Every time I try, the enemy backs up and sits there. Guessing that has more to do with strange AI behavior lately, but same thing happened before this.

    That's same thing making it hard for me to learn Ghost. Supposedly phase intercept is a basic Ghost skill to learn but when I do it enemy backs off and I'm stuck with crit buff and can't phase again.
  • Ctleath_013Ctleath_013 Member Posts: 416 ★★
    Watch some Panda Man Pete videos on YouTube.
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  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    Ch1efster said:

    I took my 5* up to r4 immediately after I got her and 5* wasp from featured crystals. I don't use her as much as I probably should though. I know how to use her, but can't get a handle on the phase intercepts that I see in videos. Seems like in all these videos, the opponent constantly attacks and misses into their phase. Every time I try, the enemy backs up and sits there. Guessing that has more to do with strange AI behavior lately, but same thing happened before this.

    Yeah, I struggled with this as well ... I believe I'm understanding at least some of this:

    the more aggressive the ai ==> the better ghost is ...

    so basically, while I was using her to clear 5.2.4, 5.2.5 and 5.2.6 .. it was working like a charm ... do a M-L-L .. back off .. and they'd just DIVE at me .. every time ..

    but afterwards, I went back into AQ .. map 4 with my team ... suddenly the ai turtles up on far side ..

    so yeah .. ironically enough, because of the way the AI works, she's much easier vs more aggressive AIs ... (ie higher tier chapters .. uncollected EQ .. etc.)

    outside of that, what I find works .. is try to block/parrry the first attack, and start the M-L-L dash back combo .. once you get into the pattern, the ai usually keeps going ... but if they dash back at any point .. yeah, they seem very reluctant to attack you ... I just attack into their block, and parry, then restart the combo .. :)

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