Is there a reason the auto-fight AI has to be so inferior?

It just bugs me that even for simple fights the auto-fight AI may sometimes end up getting hit 30 times before it can even land one hit. I do not understand why it is programmed to be so inferior to the computer AI.
Nobody would be using this for actually difficult fights anyway, so there cannot be a fear that improving the auto-fight AI would allow players to clear content that they otherwise would. In most areas of the game, hitting the enemy as much as they hit you would mean you die pretty fast anyway.
All I am saying is why does the auto-fight AI have to be at a level where it can land 1 hit for every 3 hits the opponent lands, instead of a 1 for 1 ratio?
Nobody would be using this for actually difficult fights anyway, so there cannot be a fear that improving the auto-fight AI would allow players to clear content that they otherwise would. In most areas of the game, hitting the enemy as much as they hit you would mean you die pretty fast anyway.
All I am saying is why does the auto-fight AI have to be at a level where it can land 1 hit for every 3 hits the opponent lands, instead of a 1 for 1 ratio?
You can't use auto-fight in arena, so bringing the quest AI up to arena AI standards would have no impact on arena grinding.
They occasionally are smart but most of the time they are just down right passive and sit there taking a beating for no reason at all other than the fact they are dumb.
I know they aren't supposed to be as smart or as good as us but this is ridiculous a lot of games with ai fighters are either on par, better or slightly better than us but kabams is one of the dumbest ai's I have seen in awhile in mobile games.
It's not to much to ask for a competent ai that should wipe the floor with the lower stuff, do ok against the medium and struggle somewhat against the tougher ones but they aren't always capable of beating some of the easier parts without getting the stuffing kicked out of them
Sometimes I will look down to see both champs with special attacks loaded up just standing there so I'll manually fire it just to finish the fight.
Just bothers me I have go into auto fight and some 40 hits later my champ is still getting pummeled for no good reason instead of landing the 1 hit it needs t KO the opponent instantly lol
Dr. Zola