Space Stone on Thor does nothing

Thor is my only r5 original Avenger. After seeing everyone else's stone updates, I thought Thor would end up getting some great buffs too. Nope. His buffs seem as if they were an afterthought. Almost like, "We're forgetting someone. Oh yeah, Thor,! Just give him something simple."
Am I missing something?! Does he have have to be duped for any of his buffs to make a difference?
Am I missing something?! Does he have have to be duped for any of his buffs to make a difference?
But even so, that's not the point. Why buff a champ based solely on if he's duped or not. I can't be the only person who doesn't have him duped.
Then tried 5/50 Thor on Modok-Thing path. Nope (of course not), although didn't try very hard (I’m sure someone will come out with a video showing beating THING with 4* Thor and saying it was easy, lol).