Best Symbiote Champion



  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,654 ★★★★★
    Symbiote Supreme

    I have not used Sym supreme ever, never got a version of him. Same about Venom the Duck. But Venom, damn, he's got so much packed in him! Red Goblin has his own greatness too, and so is Carnage. Unfortunately I don't have any of the 4 ( Sym, VTD, RG, Carnage).

    But Symbiote Spider man has been terribly underrated. He's got the longest Armor breaks in the game (80 seconds) and they're easily accessible too (by heavies). He has 100% crit chance in his SP2. As a decent player in this game, I was able to stack 14-15 Armor breaks. When paired along with the SP2, it surely is something we cannot sleep on.

    With Red Goblin Synergy, he inflicts an additional armor break on heavy(while fury active), and activates a fury which gives 5% attack for each armor break on opponent for 20 seconds. So imagine having 30 armor breaks. 30 times 5 equals 150% more attack for 20 seconds! It's huge bruh...

    Agree with Sym Spidey, so underrated

    He's all damage and no utility
    The same can be said for alot of older champions
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,881 ★★★★★
    Venom forever, because he can do so much: nullify, regen, bleed, armorbreak, kill spiders and more.

    1. Venom
    2. Symbiote Supreme (I always found him boring af and too rng imo, but he is great)
    3. Carnage
    4. Red Goblin (awakened)
    5. VTD (without ramp up, with 10 good buffs he'd be number 2)
    6. Symbiote Spider-man
    7. Venompool
    8. Agent Venom
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