AW Champs Immune

Last alliance war
Iron fist on node 52
Was Stun Immune (Called parry over 8 times but he wasn't stunned once) Had to fight him without it...
(No mention of stun immunity)
This alliance war
Phoenix as boss
Was Bleed Immune, Everytime I performed a special move that would normally cause bleed it flashed up immune...
(No mention of bleed immunity, node 52 link was still up)
I still won both fights so it's not sour grapes, It's just very frustrating going into these important fights and being hit with unexpected issues like this..
Is this bugs from new update or the way things work from now on?
Iron fist on node 52
Was Stun Immune (Called parry over 8 times but he wasn't stunned once) Had to fight him without it...
(No mention of stun immunity)
This alliance war
Phoenix as boss
Was Bleed Immune, Everytime I performed a special move that would normally cause bleed it flashed up immune...
(No mention of bleed immunity, node 52 link was still up)
I still won both fights so it's not sour grapes, It's just very frustrating going into these important fights and being hit with unexpected issues like this..
Is this bugs from new update or the way things work from now on?
52 gives the enemy an "immune to negative status effect" buff, and if the AW boss is linked by 52, the boss is immune to negative status effects as well.
Anywhoooo, what tier of AW are you in now? Nodes change depending on what tier you're in.