War node bottle necks

While I don’t mind the up tic in challenging nodes, I don’t like how the linked nodes create so many bottle necks. This is fine for alliances that are all on at the same time, but I have an international alliance that is all on at different times.
We are currently stuck and waiting for people to wake up (wasting 5-7 hours) and only on the first mini bosses. We will hit the same again after the next path. A lot of us have jobs and can’t get on mid day.
The previous had less linked nodes making it possible to hit “noded” defenders since the nodes weren’t terrible then.
If you’re going to keep it this way then make it so we can stock up 15 energy movements or make it 15 minutes to recharge energy.
Currently, I don’t even know if we will be able to complete the map.
Please fix/change this. It’s making War unenjoyable and stressful.
We are currently stuck and waiting for people to wake up (wasting 5-7 hours) and only on the first mini bosses. We will hit the same again after the next path. A lot of us have jobs and can’t get on mid day.
The previous had less linked nodes making it possible to hit “noded” defenders since the nodes weren’t terrible then.
If you’re going to keep it this way then make it so we can stock up 15 energy movements or make it 15 minutes to recharge energy.
Currently, I don’t even know if we will be able to complete the map.
Please fix/change this. It’s making War unenjoyable and stressful.
Let me think...now why didn’t I think of...oh right...have you ever tried recruiting for an alliance? Have you ever led an alliance? It’s hard enough to maintain an alliance nowadays - sometimes you can’t be too choosy on who you want in an alliance.
Try being a leader of an organized alliance that really wants to help others grow their accounts and have fun. Also, people have lives and leave or join other alliances to try things out. It’s very hard to be picky with the way things are. Try that for once and you’ll understand...
I also don’t have the luxury of 29 local friends who play this game or are in the same time zone. To be honest I enjoy the diversity of my alliance.
My original post was just throwing out ideas that would help make this transition to this new map a bit more bearable. I honestly doubt any of it would be taken into consideration. I just wanted to post my thoughts.
It would reduce the chances of bottlenecks occurring, allow flexibility for international Alliances without messing with the timers, and reduce stress across the board. 2 players per section being able to drop the links to advance would be very similar to our previous map, and we'd have the benefit of the new layout. Seems like a win, win to me.
I only mention reducing the time because I have a few alliance mates that sometimes don’t have time to join until the 11th hour. So at that time they can only move 5 spaces max. By then it’s usually too late.
Also, as a leader/officer, a lot of time is dedicated to directing people, getting people to move, coordination, and giving people advice throughout the duration of war. This takes a considerable amount of time when you have players with developing accounts. That’s the other reason I was asking for the storing of energy or reduced time so we can move quicker and it would cost me less time overall.
But, @SiriusBreak I do like your idea of removing some of the linked nodes. It makes sense and would be the easiest solution. Hope Kabam listens.
My BG finished AW 3 hours ago (it’s 6pm now) and AW starts at 2am for most of us.
Most times it’s the time zone issue. If you’re waiting on a node to come down and a guy from another time zone takes forever to drop their node, when you’re ready to play again it might not be at the most convenient time for you.
I’m nicer than most Alliance leaders as I give people a chance.
We don’t have enough from the same area to place everyone in specific time zones. Because of this, I try as best as possible to place them based on when they are active and how well they can clear content. Even by placing people in the same time zone some have odd hours for work and such - so I have to do it by monitoring everyone’s activity and watching how they progress in AW and AQ.
The bigger problem is turnover. The solid core is like 25, but we keep losing 1-2 after filling up a full 30. During the season people seem to stay longer.
I try to place an equal amount of people based on skill and level. This requires me to memorize what works and what didn’t in a war and make adjustments on the next. Problem is a person will leave and I have to adjust again.
As crazy as this is, we have been able to hit gold2-3 in AW seasons consistently. However, with this new map, if things stay as they are I don’t know if we will continue war.
While I have two decent officers they aren’t able to help out to the extent I would like. Also, no one else wants the job. It’s such a thankless job anyways.
Thus, this map has given me headaches - since you basically need 9 on at the same time at the start. Not very easy with a diverse alliance.
Everyone knows their part in the grand scheme and does it quite well. Eventually you'll have a solid group of 30 that rarely needs replacements. It's strange that typically when someone is ready to take a break, someone else who left prior contacts me to return. It's something I'm very lucky to have in general. An Alliance that sticks together through thick and thin. We're on our way up the ranks in both AQ and AW and show no signs of slowing. Even with this new Map. Just the same, I would never say it's all good just because my group can swing it well. Not every Alliance is so fortunate.
We’ll see what happens. Hope they make some changes in AW maps. Seems like a lot of people are asking for a change. Hope Kabam listens.