Revive trade? KABAM! I've come to bargain

With the Fantastic Four solo event currently ongoing everyday, it's no surprise level 1 revive will go in the overflow, if you choose to hit the revive milestone in it. And even when you start with 0 lv.1 revive in your inventory.
So, KABAM! I've come to bargain.
Can we get a level 2 revive trade with level 1 revive? Perhaps 3 lv.1 revive for 1 lv.2 revive? Or if you're so kind and generous make it just 2 lv.1 revive for 1 lv.2 revive?
I can't see it will bring unbalance and tribulation upon this game.
So, KABAM! I've come to bargain.
Can we get a level 2 revive trade with level 1 revive? Perhaps 3 lv.1 revive for 1 lv.2 revive? Or if you're so kind and generous make it just 2 lv.1 revive for 1 lv.2 revive?
I can't see it will bring unbalance and tribulation upon this game.
Ladies and gentlemen
Ladies and gentlemen
Ladies and gentlemen
Ladies and gentlemen
Ladies and gentlemen
Ladies and—
“Ok stop it! I’ll let you trade revives! Gahhh”