Defender diversity in the bin
I guess it's time to throw defender diversity in bin since most of mid to high tier alliances will not be doing 100% maps anymore. Time to place as many korgs, modoks and havoks! Just my opinion, you guys may differ
Eventually these extremely 'hard combos' will become too commonplace and no longer wil be difficult. Simply due to repetition. So bare that in mind when you throw up 10 Korgs, 10 NCs, 10 Dominos, 10 Things, etc. It's a temporary thing and will eventually become less effective.
However, they COULD raise the points allotted from diversity to further reward those that DON'T spam the grid. This would in turn encourage and incentivize diversity over spam techniques. It gets old and tiresome fast. It takes time, effort, and tact to work with full diversity. Just making the diversity list is a task unto itself. Then the layout also becomes more of a task. Any idiot can throw a bunch of would be 'God Tier' defenders all over the place. Not exactly a brain buster.
We tried the spam the grid technique and we got less kills over our diversity lineup. Keeping players on their toes, not giving them the same champ twice, seems to work better in my experience. In the end, to each their own, but I like guaranteed points personally.
You'd be surprised how often our off beat, not so good defenders get kills. Simply because players don't fight them as often as the would be 'good defenders.' There's a method to the madness. At the end of the day, do what works best for you.