Does difficulty even matter in areas ?

Since your new "updates" the AI seems to have become almost unmanageable resulting in fights you simply wont win due to unbalanced and unfair matchmaking. Please someone explain to me how a 5-star 3/45 awakened Black Panther Civil War, 5-star awakened 4/55 Magik and a 5-star 3/45 Aeagon is a REASONABLE sight against a 5-star 1/25 Symbiote Spiderman, 5-star 1/25 Agent Venom and a 5-star 3/45 Symbiote Surpreme? All the Black Panther did was move forward wait move forward .......wait special 3 ability or openings to bait specials
Aeagon block block.......instant counter combos after a light block hit.....wait for special 3......dead
These are supposedly "Easy" matchups. This happens on a regular basis in ANY arena that accepts 5 stars. I cannot see after 3 years of this game's existence that you dont have ability to make FAIR reasonable matchups that at least give you a fighting chance.
This is only at Streak number 9 on Basic Class Cat. Arena....and it happens in other arenas as well. These type of matchups are NOT easy nor balanced.....and with new AI reaction speed being increased (without disclosure) near impossible to win. Your matchmaking is broken......
So I ask again what constitutes a match as "Easy", "Medium" or "Hard"?
Aeagon block block.......instant counter combos after a light block hit.....wait for special 3......dead
These are supposedly "Easy" matchups. This happens on a regular basis in ANY arena that accepts 5 stars. I cannot see after 3 years of this game's existence that you dont have ability to make FAIR reasonable matchups that at least give you a fighting chance.
This is only at Streak number 9 on Basic Class Cat. Arena....and it happens in other arenas as well. These type of matchups are NOT easy nor balanced.....and with new AI reaction speed being increased (without disclosure) near impossible to win. Your matchmaking is broken......
So I ask again what constitutes a match as "Easy", "Medium" or "Hard"?