The point is, in game or not in game, Hawkeye never misses, that’s what his trait/ability is.
Such a silly answer, really didn’t make you look smart Extr.... Willo
The "he never misses" argument was based on his characters outside of the game, which can't be acceptable here. He isn't the same, he clearly misses in the game like "any" other champion.
The point is, in game or not in game, Hawkeye never misses, that’s what his trait/ability is.
Such a silly answer, really didn’t make you look smart Extr.... Willo
It really isn't. Mcoc =/= mcu =/= comics.
Or have I missed the part where corvus landed critical hits against everyone until he ran out of glaive charges and became helpless for 1 minute?
That might have actually been what happened, though...
I know MCOC isn’t based around the film, but you can’t say it isn’t based around the comics, it’s Marvel... the comics group!
That’s like they don’t give Captain America a shield upon release. They wouldn’t do that. The whole thing about Hawkeye as a character is his archery skills and that he fails to miss... I mean MCU, Comics or Game, that is Hawkeyes character. Otherwise he’s just a skill-less dude, and they aren’t going that route clearly by his specials.
He doesn't have a "never miss" power or ability or anything like that. He has archery skills, not super powers. As good as he can use them, he can fail anytime.
The point is, in game or not in game, Hawkeye never misses, that’s what his trait/ability is.
Such a silly answer, really didn’t make you look smart Extr.... Willo
It really isn't. Mcoc =/= mcu =/= comics.
Or have I missed the part where corvus landed critical hits against everyone until he ran out of glaive charges and became helpless for 1 minute?
That might have actually been what happened, though...
I know MCOC isn’t based around the film, but you can’t say it isn’t based around the comics, it’s Marvel... the comics group!
That’s like they don’t give Captain America a shield upon release. They wouldn’t do that. The whole thing about Hawkeye as a character is his archery skills and that he fails to miss... I mean MCU, Comics or Game, that is Hawkeyes character. Otherwise he’s just a skill-less dude, and they aren’t going that route clearly by his specials.
The champions in this game are inspired by both the comics and the movies. But the game isn't a simulation or recreation of either. The game has its own rules and requirements, and everything from the comics and movies is adapted into the game. That means some things get rough analogs, some things get radically changed, and some things simply don't enter at all.
The same thing is true for the MCU movies themselves, and they suffer similar criticism. The characters in the movies are certainly inspired by the comics, and they contain obvious adaptations of many of their properties. But many things also get changed, and many things simply don't get adapted at all. Because the movies are their own thing, with their own rules and requirements, and it is the characters that must change to fit the medium not the other way around.
Adding true strike to his kit would make him even more awesome and does thematically fit with his character but I doubt we will ever see it, honestly even a synergy with Hawkeye and ronin or some other character that gives him a true-strike mechanic would be insane, maybe make it similar to km and winter soldiers synergy and give Hawkeye true-strike on intercept. Or even more oddly specific give him true strike only if he intercepts an opponent with one of his arrows, I add that second more difficult way to pull it off because i think it’s cooler.
He misses in the game 😂😂
The point is, in game or not in game, Hawkeye never misses, that’s what his trait/ability is.
Such a silly answer, really didn’t make you look smart Extr.... Willo
That’s like they don’t give Captain America a shield upon release. They wouldn’t do that. The whole thing about Hawkeye as a character is his archery skills and that he fails to miss... I mean MCU, Comics or Game, that is Hawkeyes character. Otherwise he’s just a skill-less dude, and they aren’t going that route clearly by his specials.
The same thing is true for the MCU movies themselves, and they suffer similar criticism. The characters in the movies are certainly inspired by the comics, and they contain obvious adaptations of many of their properties. But many things also get changed, and many things simply don't get adapted at all. Because the movies are their own thing, with their own rules and requirements, and it is the characters that must change to fit the medium not the other way around.