Act6 chapter 6 The Champion

I think i am not the only who thinks that that dude is too much. I am not saying about the fight till 10% it was still very hard too, cause if you dont got simbiot supreme, you can forget about one shot or atleast getting to 10% without revives. Cause he gets unblockable later and you cant remove his unstopable with capt iw, if you cant parry him or block to get the charge to remove the unstopable.
Well ok i got that stage till 10% and then, i tried and tried and then tried and tried, removing those undestructable buffs is way to hard, sometimes dex procs sometimes not, and you need to remove in one fight 5 times, the block dmg is insane there even with my capt iw rank 5 and hp bossted, i still got hitted thrue block like am hited by truck. Ok the other tactic is to run in and fast dex soo you dont get the block dmg, yes i could do that sometimes, but 5 times in one fight to kill him, thats impossible. Yes i saw seating done that, and that was extreme luck, and i dont understand why his block dmg wasnt that kind like mine?
I used over 1k units on him and now its the first fight in mcoc history that i need to quit, even if i revive and buy pots for 200 units i still wont do it if i dont get extreme lucky with dex procs.
I guess i wont be the only person who thinks that he needs a nerd. Atleast make the indestructable buffs to not reset when you revive and start a new fight, then yes it could be done, but still would be very very hard.
Well ok i got that stage till 10% and then, i tried and tried and then tried and tried, removing those undestructable buffs is way to hard, sometimes dex procs sometimes not, and you need to remove in one fight 5 times, the block dmg is insane there even with my capt iw rank 5 and hp bossted, i still got hitted thrue block like am hited by truck. Ok the other tactic is to run in and fast dex soo you dont get the block dmg, yes i could do that sometimes, but 5 times in one fight to kill him, thats impossible. Yes i saw seating done that, and that was extreme luck, and i dont understand why his block dmg wasnt that kind like mine?
I used over 1k units on him and now its the first fight in mcoc history that i need to quit, even if i revive and buy pots for 200 units i still wont do it if i dont get extreme lucky with dex procs.
I guess i wont be the only person who thinks that he needs a nerd. Atleast make the indestructable buffs to not reset when you revive and start a new fight, then yes it could be done, but still would be very very hard.
“I used over 1k units on him and now its the first fight in mcoc history that i need to quit, even if i revive and buy pots for 200 units i still wont do it if i dont get extreme lucky with dex procs. “
Same here, the dex is broken imo. Unless you hold block or remain there for like half a second, it doesn’t register. Also, after getting 5 dexterity’s, did you have any trouble getting damage on The Champion?
That is the first fight I ever quit as well. It’s not that it’s challenging, I’m sure that was there intent, but it’s not, it’s just to annoying, especially when dexterity’s don’t register.