Throw back to Civil War conversation..

AshKetchumAshKetchum Member Posts: 286 ★★
Now that the movies came to a conclusion.. let's look back at one of the best movies in the MCU (come at me bro) Civil War. Who's team side are you on?

Throw back to Civil War conversation.. 111 votes

Team Captain America
ArcDeAngelusWhododo872ShrimkinsAce_03Nuggetman777NanoDroidquando213Murderous_munchiesTheVyrusphillgreenSundance_2099Darkrider05Bergy25SuperCoolPandazSpiderCoolsHammerbro_64Aanthospiderknight616PizzabeatJack_OHara 65 votes
Team Iron Man
mmmbanyasadqqedfyvrTerraCat_MurdockSiddhantKwatraSceptilemaniacDuke_Silvercharaderdude2[Deleted User]Mcord117My_SuperiorIDogeMCoC_fanStarKillerVIICharlie_ScenePrathapIncitatus666Battle_GreninjaLordRaymond3Aleor 46 votes


  • AshKetchumAshKetchum Member Posts: 286 ★★
    Team Captain America
    Yup.. Grammer mistake 😅
  • shadow_lurker22shadow_lurker22 Member Posts: 3,245 ★★★★★
    Team Captain America
    I like Ironman better don't get me wrong but I always agreed more with cap on this topic.
  • edited June 2019
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  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    Team Iron Man
    If the avengers were regulated and were managed by the government the ultron situation wouldn't have been as serious as it was they legit created their own villain lmao
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    Team Captain America

    I loved that Event.

    Agreed! That was the best mcoc event I've ever seen, it was really fun
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  • PrathapPrathap Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Team Iron Man
    Not due to accords...

    Didn't like the part where Cap hid the secret about Tony's parents
  • FreeToPlay_21FreeToPlay_21 Member Posts: 1,594 ★★★★
    edited June 2019
    Team Captain America
    In any other case, I'd go with Team Iron Man, but the government in the MCU cannot be trusted. They nuked New York even when the Avengers had it covered. The Sokovia Accords would've rendered the superheroes useless in some or the other way. Captain America is right in this scenario.
  • Scouse92Scouse92 Member Posts: 26
    Team Iron Man
    Yeah I think cap was right but then to pick the person who murdered your friends mom and dad was leaning me more towards iron man
  • ArcDeAngelusArcDeAngelus Member Posts: 209
    Team Captain America
    Scouse92 said:

    Yeah I think cap was right but then to pick the person who murdered your friends mom and dad was leaning me more towards iron man

    If you want to take the entire thing out of context sure let's just forget about the decades of brain washing where he had zero control over his actions.
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    Team Captain America

    Yup.. Grammer mistake 😅

    GrammAr mistake
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  • DrBruceWayneDrBruceWayne Member Posts: 1,267 ★★★★
    Team Captain America

    Now that the movies came to a conclusion.. let's look back at one of the best movies in the MCU (come at me bro) Civil War. Who's team side are you on?

    Imagine giving the government the power to control you lol
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Team Iron Man
    I’m going for Team Iron Man because he has the coolest characters on his side(i.e. spidey), In terms of the actual disagreement I’d go Team Captain America
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  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Team Captain America
    Half of the stuff the politicians blamed on the avengers was due to Loki (The destroyer from Thor 1, Chitauri from Avengers) and the whole crossbones ordeal would have kept future deaths from occurring, so the only real problem was Ultron. But if you think about it, politicians always have some angle/motive below the surface, and putting a team of supers under a politician or group of them would probably lead to some sort of totalitarianism if the avengers didn’t realize/resist. Also hydra in the government

    TLDR the safest hands were still their own
  • XdSpoodermanxDXdSpoodermanxD Member Posts: 531 ★★★
    Team Captain America
    Captain America is probably my favorite character in all of Marvel.
  • WardenZeroWardenZero Member Posts: 722 ★★★
    Team Captain America
    The problem with the logic behind the accords is, for example, if the Avengers had not fought in the battle for New York, the ENTIRE WORLD would have been destroyed. So a few buildings doesn’t seem that bad in comparison.
  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★
    Team Captain America
    If the avengers never existed thanos would have won. Boom get destroyed.
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  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Team Captain America
    Here’s why cap was right. Real short quote, but rings so true: “The safest hands are still our own”
  • EarthEliteEarthElite Member Posts: 879 ★★★
    Team Captain America

    This should help your answer...

    Are you planning to kill spidey??
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