Trade crystal's disappointment

Kabam, If I sell three of t4 class catalyst, give me the option to convert them into some other class catalyst.
getting another crystal again overflows some other class crystal.
I hope you consider this. Cos trade crystal is useless now and with this adaptation, it will become a useful feature.
getting another crystal again overflows some other class crystal.
I hope you consider this. Cos trade crystal is useless now and with this adaptation, it will become a useful feature.
And FYI this post is in the suggestion and request section. I think I can request and suggest as a user what I feel.
I feel if they grant permission to choose the class I want they may increase the drop rate. Or something like that can be introduced, Afterall, its all about evolution and customization. And it's a request. So cool, don't justify what it is and what it's intention. I am a user after all.
I think Kabam will introduce t5cc someday and then you may be able to sell and get some fragments.
Still, it is an interesting idea. Let see if Kabam will reply
The benefit of this in the short term is come the day you go on a rank up spree, you can take a shot at replenishing classes you've blown through. However, if you're taking in t4ccs as fast as many are these days, it's almost a moot point when you already have hundreds if not thousands of t4cc frag crystals and a load of full t4cc crystals at your disposal. Honestly I'm probably going to hold those trade crystals until the day they allow us to sell t4ccs for t5cc frags. Then I'll pop them and sell the results, lol.
I traded mystic T4cc twice in past months and recently for Sym SUpreme 5 star. Finally, someone to invest mystic T4CC. But now I am thinking to R2 my 6 star Corvus or 6 star Thing. Either way, I ill be short on T2Alpha for a span. But now I like this situation of dilemma.
I wouldn't ever recommend these crystals to anyone unless they're in a situation where they absolutely need to get specific catalysts. Outside a set of unique circumstances they just aren't viable at a 20% drop rate for any specific class.