Awakening Gems

Can we have awakening gems crystals like we do t4cc crystals. Say u can trade 2 of the same class awakening gems for a chance at one of a different classes gem as we do for t4cc.
Only seeing it being "worth it" for 4* or below.
Personally, I'm generally in favor of letting people make their own decisions, as long as they promise to do it quietly and accept full responsibility for them. When Thanos snaps that world into existence, I'll support unlimited player gameplay discretion. On this Earth, that has to have practical limits.
T4 Catalyst trade is only recommend to be used if your catalyst are about to expire and you can't use them.
Fact is it does not hurt anyone because it is a choice.
It won't hurt the game at this point right?
Am I embarrassing myself right now? Don't care your judgement anyway