AW match ups randomly canceling themselves



  • Planc2007Planc2007 Member Posts: 51
    edited July 2019

    Hey y'all -

    If this is happening to your alliance, please let me know your alliance and the tag.

    If you don't feel comfortable sharing it here just shoot me a PM!

    Thanks in advance!

    @Kabam Vydious
    First time it happened to us. Alliance is ISO8E ENFORCERS ANONYMOUS.

    It happened for the war placement that started on July 1st. We did not even get to place defense.
  • solidhaksolidhak Member Posts: 3
    Enlisted for war Sunday for matchmaking and got unenlisted automatically, dropped down from Gold 3 to Silver 1 because we didn't participate in any war. Our alliance will lose out on Gold 3 season rewards because of this.

  • Jthomsen2Jthomsen2 Member Posts: 7
    This just happened to our alliance again today. This is now the 4th or 5th time it’s happened. I even checked to make sure we were enlisted. My tag is [BoB81]. I also spoke to others in the leaders lounge2 chat that had it happen today.
  • NKTRNLNKTRNL Member Posts: 8
    NKTRNL [XiLD] it happened to us as well.
  • BerenhpBerenhp Member Posts: 51
    This just happened to us. Alliance [MNK1]. Different officers saw it unlisted and kept enlisting us. Apparently it never stuck. Is there something that can be done since getting no points during season 11 might really hurt us?
  • Dewy4Dewy4 Member Posts: 225
    For the last couple months I’ve had issues starting wars. It either won’t let me enlist or either says I am but when I go back and check, it says we aren’t. I’ve had to continuously restart my phone just to enlist. Hopefully something can be done about it. I use an IPhone XR to play
  • Dewy4Dewy4 Member Posts: 225
    For the last couple months I’ve had issues starting wars. It either won’t let me enlist or either says I am but when I go back and check, it says we aren’t. I’ve had to continuously restart my phone just to enlist. Hopefully something can be done about it. I use an IPhone XR to play
  • SEMOletteSEMOlette Member Posts: 11
    I am having an issue with war enlisting. And I'm wondering if I'm not the only one. One of two things happens. 1. I try to enlist and it reverts to previous screen. It does not enlist. Or 2, it claims I have enlisted but when matchmaking happens kabam claims we have not enlisted.
    The 2nd one happened to me again today, now we will miss out on this war. I have a routine I know I did enlist us, but according to kabam we failed to enlist. 😠😠😠
    Is this an android bug?
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Hi all,

    We are still looking into this but in order to do so we need some specific information from those experiencing the issue with enlisting in wars.

    Can you please share with us the following:

    Alliance Name
    Date/Time enlisted
    Date/Time you were no longer enlisted
    Date of any missed war
    Any leadership or battlegroup changes
    Did leadership manually un-enlist and then re-enlist?
    Anything else unusual that happened at the time
  • KckckckcKckckckc Member Posts: 5
    Has anyone heard if there is a resolution/compensation for this issue? I submitted 4 different tickets, and was finally told to check forums for any new updates. We missed plat 3 rewards because of our 1 missed war from this issue.
  • KckckckcKckckckc Member Posts: 5
    @Kabam Lyra I already provided that info when working with a rep on my last ticket, but I can do so again here if it will help.
  • Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Kckckckc said:

    @Kabam Lyra I already provided that info when working with a rep on my last ticket, but I can do so again here if it will help.

    If you've already shared this information with our support team, you don't need to share it again here. Thanks for checking!
  • BerenhpBerenhp Member Posts: 51

    Hi all,

    We are still looking into this but in order to do so we need some specific information from those experiencing the issue with enlisting in wars.

    Can you please share with us the following:

    Alliance Name
    Date/Time enlisted
    Date/Time you were no longer enlisted
    Date of any missed war
    Any leadership or battlegroup changes
    Did leadership manually un-enlist and then re-enlist?
    Anything else unusual that happened at the time

    Many times between August 2nd and 3rd
    Many times between August 2nd and 3rd
    Missed the war that started attack phase on August the 3rd
    No leadership or battlegrouo changes
    Different officers started in because it always looked like enlisted, but none un-enlisted
    Nothing unusual that we remember
  • AquarDragon65AquarDragon65 Member Posts: 189
    Happened to us today!
    Alliance Name NCNs
    Date/Time enlisted: Aug 10th (yesterday)
    double checked shortly after
    Triple checked in last 10min of today's war ending
    Date/Time you were no longer enlisted- discovered approx 7pm MST
    Date of any missed war: Current
    Any leadership or battlegroup changes: none
    Did leadership manually un-enlist and then re-enlist? No
    Anything else unusual that happened at the time: nothing
    This is the second time this has happened, last was about 4months ago!

    Please help!
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