Mephisto - pre fight option?

Was just playing with Mephisto recently, and realized something odd ... he gets up to 3 persistent charges (ie souls), and he uses them in fight when low health to heal up ..
In addition to that, he should/could have a Pre-fight option to use a charge to heal between fights.
As it is now, if you have 3 charges, and are at half life (for example) ... you won't gain another charge, nor heal if you fight again .. unless you let them take you low .. O.o
A pre-fight option would allow to leverage those charges more efficiently.
Mephisto isn't a super strong champ, so this minor tweak wouldn't break him, it would just him some really nice sustain ... might make hime "great again"?
In addition to that, he should/could have a Pre-fight option to use a charge to heal between fights.
As it is now, if you have 3 charges, and are at half life (for example) ... you won't gain another charge, nor heal if you fight again .. unless you let them take you low .. O.o
A pre-fight option would allow to leverage those charges more efficiently.
Mephisto isn't a super strong champ, so this minor tweak wouldn't break him, it would just him some really nice sustain ... might make hime "great again"?
(I believe you're completely missing the point, by the way ... but whatever .. *sigh* )
(I believe you're completely missing the point, by the way ... but whatever .. *sigh* )
I guess sarcasm wasn't a good tool here. While I agree his Regen can be useful and he is somewhat good in some scenarios he don't need a buff ATM imo. Many other champs need it way more than Mephisto does.
hmm, I was just fighting with him and never got more than 3
You gain one everytime you defeat an opponent. You spend one when you use your L1 to cause soul imprisonment. There are also synergies that can add souls.
I was making a run through first Chapter of Road to labyrinth with my 5* for pts towards Mystic Class Specialist ...
I never made it to my sp1 .. killed them with 1 or 2 hits ... always had 3 charges all the way through .. O.o
Let me re-test all that though ... pay more attention to things.
Regardless ... I still think the ability to spend a charge during pre-fight would be a good idea ..
Buff - yes by the strictest sense .. but not really much of one, just allowing to do what he already does, just at a different time .. *shrug*