Is there a way to lower the PI of one specific champion so that another champ overtakes him/her on your top champs profile????
But Why ?
You do know you can change your profile pic to any champ you own, right?
what other reason would you have for wanting to change the top champ? (only possibility I can think of is duel target .. but again ... why? )
To hide your possible defense in war. But the champs you see arent the ones others see. Ask your alliance to check your profile and send a screenshot of what your top 4 are.
The only way I've seen things change is with a mastery reset. Different masteries affect PI in different ways on different champs.
If I go full suicides, my champs are ordered differently than if I run just Double Edge maxed.
I remember doing the same type of research when I was big into war. After a while, I realized my attack team wasn't changing that much based on my research so I stopped. Then I developed the strategy of assuming the worst champ for the node I'm facing before I hit "fight". I think that's what happens a lot at higher tiers of war, for the worse nodes anyway.
I want to say that research was to "win" the war, but it was just as much to make sure I conserved units and items on my trip through the map. And after a few years of feeling like it was a unit/item grab for meh rewards, our alliance started to fall away from war and I was more than OK with it.
Like ppl said you can change masteries. Like md helps a lot for mystics. But otherwise if ur champ is awakened u could dump Sigs into it to increase pi so that it overtakes but I don't recommend this. Not a weirdo question. I've thought about this haha. I want my profile to be beautiful lol.
I actually wanna do it so people see my Aegon instead of my Medusa.I grinded like hell for him so I want him to be seen.Even took him to sig99 but he still can't beat my signature 40 Medusa.Both are maxed.
As everybody is saying masteries will make a difference for example i wanted my AA to be on my top 4 profile but he wasn't i revamped my masteries and his PI grew Maybe If you use specific masteries maybe it'll do the trick
Is there a way to lower the PI of one specific champion so that another champ overtakes him/her on your top champs profile????
I wish but I don't believe so...i was so ashamed to have my first 6th star... karnac ugghh... months and months ago in my top 4... thankfully he's long gone lol
You do know you can change your profile pic to any champ you own, right?
what other reason would you have for wanting to change the top champ?
(only possibility I can think of is duel target .. but again ... why?
An alternative is to make it zero provided it is not a 5*.
If I go full suicides, my champs are ordered differently than if I run just Double Edge maxed.
I remember doing the same type of research when I was big into war. After a while, I realized my attack team wasn't changing that much based on my research so I stopped. Then I developed the strategy of assuming the worst champ for the node I'm facing before I hit "fight". I think that's what happens a lot at higher tiers of war, for the worse nodes anyway.
I want to say that research was to "win" the war, but it was just as much to make sure I conserved units and items on my trip through the map. And after a few years of feeling like it was a unit/item grab for meh rewards, our alliance started to fall away from war and I was more than OK with it.
Maybe If you use specific masteries maybe it'll do the trick