Hulk is weakest there is, no smash

What happened to OG Hulk's damage output? Since the last update my 4/55 Hulk barely causes any damage. In AQ map 4, it just took me 55 hits to KO an Ultron clone, but my 5/50 Vision does the same fight with 45 hits.... Are you kidding me?
So if this is the case, for all the maps, then there's your answer. I typically run a 5* R4/55 Hulk in AQ too. On day 1 (7.3k Prestige) of Map 5 it took him around 40 hits to drop a Mystic Ultron Drone. So yeah, that 10% reduction in attack is rather noticeable. So I swapped him out, and am running my 6* Nebula in place of him (I run the Poison lane in section 2). Make sure you double check the Global Node at the beginning of every AQ cycle as the Class Ascendancy will change. 3 classes will be impacted. 2 boosted, 1 reduced.
Thanks for breaking down the numbers. It feels like he's been weaker in AW as well but I haven't been sure. The AQ experience pushed my buttons. I can accept this explanation. Thanks man.