Looking for a permanent home.

Looking for a 3mill+ alliance I'm currently in a 2mill+ alliance but I'm not really growing in it as wel as many others. If you have any space I'd be happy to join. I'm always top 10 in 3 day alliance events such as Duels, Item Use and Quest Completion so I'm not a bludger looking for free rewards. My roster currently has 1 4/40 and 8 3/30 4 stars. Thanks

Nonetheless, Your welcome to join us in XEVERYDAYDUSTX.
We are a 1 mil alliance that are always looking for hard working players to help us and grow with us.
Find me, Eos Nano X, in-game if your interested.
I myself have 4 4/40 4* champs and on the verge of my 2nd 5* champ.