Variant 1 chapter 3.2 starburst Gulk interaction

good afternoon, today i was doing the starburst path in variant 1 3.2. had the heimdall synergy and when fighting sentry AND rogue both times face me was active for the full fight with it being a starburst node. so i was low on health and pushed to an L3. now because face is active and heimdall hasn’t been used yet i should have 1. been saved by heimdall and 2. with face me being active i should regenerate 70% of damage health. so basically heal up to 100% again right ? but i didn’t, heimdall interceded on my behalf and stopped me from dying but on one occasion i only healed 15% health and the second time i stayed at 1%. can anyone explain why this is happening ? because it bloody well shouldn’t be and i was already knee deep into my path and didn’t want to back out. please help
I'm wondering whether Kabam's just made it so that Starburst is completely inactive during the sp3 animation (almost as if it was temporarily removed for the sp3 animation's duration)