What is the best ways to get units fast?

Ken328challengerKen328challenger Member Posts: 38
can you please tell me what the fastest ways to get units??


  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,648 ★★★★★
    Arena. Getting milestones grants 5-15 units depending on which milestone. This requires some time however.
    The F4 champion use (found in the personal events tab) and using the daily champ you can easily get the 25 units daily.
    EQs and normal quest (only story) explore and completion awards units but is time consuming.
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    Terra said:

    Arena. Getting milestones grants 5-15 units depending on which milestone. This requires some time however.
    The F4 champion use (found in the personal events tab) and using the daily champ you can easily get the 25 units daily.
    EQs and normal quest (only story) explore and completion awards units but is time consuming.

    I second everything @Terra said. In the last two weeks I've farmed over 700 units just doing the bottom 2 tiers of each Arena for the easy units, the daily F4 event, and 100%ing Heroic and Master EQ.
  • Ken328challengerKen328challenger Member Posts: 38
    wait.. how do you get units daily??
  • XdSpoodermanxDXdSpoodermanxD Member Posts: 531 ★★★

    wait.. how do you get units daily??

    As terra said you can get 25 units a day just from the Fantastic Four champion use under the solo events tab. All you have to do is fight people. You get bonus points for using the specified fantastic four champion.
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