Level Cap: has Kabam ever officially responded?

its gonna be 5 years in december i believe and lvl 60 is getting old, not to mention all those mystery masteries. what's the deal Kabam when can we expect a cap raise?
Honestly, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Masteries are balanced as is, so adding new levels/mastery points/masteries would be a massive undertaking with betas, feedback, and maybe compensation.
Historically, if you look at mmo's, for example, it's been done this way in games like WOW when level caps were raised (and others I'm sure).
to respond to SlayerofGods, yea it would offset their balance because it would help us, the players, to clear higher end content.
also like i said i already searched and saw nothing from this year. we are the clients and we need to keep bringing this up. thats how everything else gets done. if you don't say anything they won't give you jack.
Yes it's something the community wants, so are rank down tickets, real time PvP, free 5 and 6*'s, trading champs, less rng rewards and a strong case for Batman in the game... We haven't gotten any of those aside from RDT's and those are always a bad idea.
Rank down tickets are bad for the game as it defeats the purpose of resource management and rank strategy.