
Dnegrin6969Dnegrin6969 Member Posts: 253 ★★
Valkyrie from Thor Ragnorok should be added. Here are the details.

Cosmic champ.
Abilities: power gain, bleed, armor break, precision, true accuracy, true strike and armor up. When awakened, unblockable.
Special move 1: she hits the opponent with her sword twice in a spin move. Causing bleed and armor break.
Special move 2: she rides her Pegasus toward the opponent hitting them with her sword and trampling the opponent with the Pegasus.
Special move 3: In the beginning of the movie of ragnorok when Thor landed in the trash pile Valkyrie saved him with giant ship guns connected to her hand. Those weapons should be the 3 special move cause it’s super powerful. She connects the ships guns so her hands have control and she shoots a bunch at the opponent.
Thank you for reading. Please consider


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