Kicked & Glory

On Thursday I was kicked from an alliance after AQ. I got my rewards for the quest and I got my awards for the series. The one thing I didn’t earn was glory. Is this something that’s a common occurrence? Anytime I left an alliance I still got my glory. Can someone explain this to me.
@WillBNo1968 yeah, if you're not in the Alliance when cycle rewards drop, you miss out on the Glory with the Peak Milestone reward system. Which does kind of blow in situations such as this, but overall I do like this system better than the old one with the reward tiers, and daily Glory influx. Best of luck finding a better spot that won't boot you. As long as you do right by them, they should in theory do right by you. Communication is also a big thing IMO. If a player is gonna be busy, all I've ever asked for is a quick heads up via message. It's not asking too much to inform your leader that you'll be tied up all day. It's not fun repeatedly tagging the air when someone isn't available.
I don't work in an office and I can't log in most times due to no cell service. We completed the AQ cycle. I got kicked with no warning. I've always been at the top of any rewards systems. Not getting the glory was ridiculous. I received for the day's map and the AQ conclusion but without that well-needed glory. I find that if you grind out all five days that glory should be given. Kabam holding that back is nonsense. It wasn't even like it was a trial period. I had been there for months.
The worst of it was it was a merger that I stayed with when everyone left. I could have abandoned them. Oh well!