Act 5.4.5 immunity path - pls help

Hey folks- I’m really struggling with the immunity path, most of the time the Spider-Man classic wrecks my team. And since I can’t put debuffs on anyone and can’t survive past Hyperion yet.. I’m really struggling. What tips can you suggest for this path? Champion choices? I don’t have BW, KM, and my venom is 4* 3/30 and don’t fancy ranking him up just for that as I’m short on gold. Here’s my roster:

magik for hyperion , 4 hit combo + intercept + Sp2
@Berjibs I beat variant 2 with the flaming trinity, it’s much more straightforward than ultron’s variant!
@Deli there’s always that hype start to fall back on. Can use a boost to speed things up. Cheers