Buff Suggestion Yay or Nay: Falcon

DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
edited July 2019 in Suggestions and Requests
1. For every Lockon, Falcon increases teammates' ability accuracy (or crit rating if too OP) by [x]%.
2. Synergy with Hawkeye/Ronin gives Falcon a [y]% chance to gain True Accuracy during Lockon
3. Sp2 and heavy attack animation change

x = based on signature level
y = constant

Buff Suggestion Yay or Nay: Falcon 23 votes

Jwallace25Duke_SilverArkhamButcherSkyBlueGamingFierDLurdHedronFreeToPlay_21TheBestinTuakau 8 votes
Nay (too OP)
Nay (too impractical/difficult)
Thicco_Mode 1 vote
Nay (almost yay, revise more)
adqqedfyvrBergy25Lvernon15KerneasX_Factor_AgentLoctiteSuperGlueSquishyjrThe_4THTheMitch 8 votes
Nay (other)
OrcDovahkiinKobster84LordRaymond3NayeemKalantakToo_qik 6 votes


  • Kobster84Kobster84 Member Posts: 2,898 ★★★★★
    Nay (other)
    What would be the point of the Hawkeye synergy he basically has true accuracy as they can’t evade or block during it already
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    @Kobster84 yeah youre right. I initially wanted to have True Accuracy for Falcon's teammates, but have it needed to be ramped up. But it wouldve been too complicated and potentially OP. I mustve mixed it up somehow with this.

    Would a 100% chance to gain True Accuracy for Falcon's teammates be a bad idea granted you need to Lockon, say, 6 times during the quest?
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    Made a mistake with #2. What if Falcon gains a persistent charge for every Lockon? Once he's at [y] amount of charges, then his teammates get an [x]% amount chance to get True Accuracy. It would still be a synergy.
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★
    You didn’t put a lot of thought into this buff did ya
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    @Ahitlaw There's a much longer version actually. It was around 2 pages with 3 more synergies, a more detailed ramp up mechanic, and even an abstract/intro. No one would read that though
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    @DPXFistheGOAT honestly, some would read it. I know I would. Post away!
  • AhitlawAhitlaw Member Posts: 2,123 ★★★★

    @Ahitlaw There's a much longer version actually. It was around 2 pages with 3 more synergies, a more detailed ramp up mechanic, and even an abstract/intro. No one would read that though

    I would read it too :)
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    @SiriusBreak @Ahitlaw alright i'll make a new poll. Some of the ideas are a little hard to explain and have slight differences to this
  • daveyj_196_daveyj_196_ Member Posts: 442 ★★
    I wouldn't, my attention span is way t
  • daveyj_196_daveyj_196_ Member Posts: 442 ★★
  • This content has been removed.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,885 ★★★★★
    Nay (almost yay, revise more)
    Lock on always takes too long to activate and you get tons of block damage while holding your block
  • KalantakKalantak Member Posts: 1,300 ★★★★
    Nay (other)
    pretty much pointless!! if u wanna imaginery buff someone buff him good!!

    - Lock on lasts for 22 seconds reducing defensive ability accuracy by 85%,opponent can not evade or autoblock, inflicting weakness of 50% and increasing falcon's attack by upto 75% and once expired refreshes after 15 seconds (depending on signature it'll be faster)
    - While Red wing locked on opponent ,everytime falcon hits an opponent ,red wing hits as well dealing direct damage equal to 50% of damage dealt by falcon(with signature ability it will scale upto 150%)
    - Sp3 deals 300% of attack as incinerate damage for 12 seconds, incinerated opponent can not gain any passive buffs during this time.
    - Every special falcon uses ,he increases his and team mate's Critical rating and critical resistance by upto 800 for rest of the quest.falcon reaches peak of 800 after he uses 10 special attacks

    --- Red wing upgrade
    - red wing refresh time reduced by x. at sig 200 .in 7 seconds
    - Red wing direct damage increased by upto 150%
    - Future captain america has upto 40% chance to perfectly block any incoming Hits

    -- Bird's of prey
    - Hawkye - every special attack deals 50% shock damage for 9 seconds, increasing by 50% for sp2 and sp3. (so 100% for sp2 and 150% sp3)
    - Vulture - each chitauri enery increases Vulture's attack by 30.
    - Darkhawk - start fight in Null phase but with Half the potency of his original Phase
    - Archangle - Reduce poison,bleed,incinerate and shock damage by 80%
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,932 ★★★★★
    "Hey ________, if you haven't already, please take a moment to share any Champion improvement suggestions you may have in THIS discussion. To help keep the Forum tidy, I'll go ahead and close this one."-Kabam Mod 2019
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    edited July 2019
    @Kalantak i posted a longer version if it's still up and you can find it. It's a bit more complex in that it doesnt just boost Falcon's damage. Giving Falcon extra damage would just open the flood gates. We could do this all day. Why not just give everyone extra damage and extra damage over time debuffs? Korg hits too weak? Let's give him incinerate damage. IMIW can freeze holes shut? Give him coldsnap. You'll "design" your way into a corner and everyone would just become Corvus and AA clones
  • DPXFistheGOATDPXFistheGOAT Member Posts: 727 ★★★
    @zuro "Throw your suggestion into this giant pile of suggestions no one reads anymore"
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