Another great six star pull

Just opened my 8th 6* crystal and inherited my eight piece of trash that will never see any questing.
So exciting to work for three months to get a champion that you can’t use for anything other than every 18 hours in an arena.
Captain WWII welcome to the bench boy. Get used to it you are going to be there forever
So exciting to work for three months to get a champion that you can’t use for anything other than every 18 hours in an arena.
Captain WWII welcome to the bench boy. Get used to it you are going to be there forever
Who cares really. Oh wait I get to use him twice a day makes it worth it now.
Trade ya?
Dr. Zola
Challenge Accepted.
It’s just this part of the game is the bench. Lol
Hows this guy? Pulled him yesterday, my first 6*.
Or maybe in three or four years when the old outdated lame champions get buffs to be good as newer champions with damage and utility he will be decent. That’s a long time to wait to use a champion.
Spamming the heavy to stack the fury’s ( up to 10 fury’s)
Then let the power gain fill the bar of powers
Then throw the SP’s
Sp1 degenaration
Sp2 damage over time, the more buffs your opponents have the more damage you make ( i took down a 5* 5/5 duped venom with 17 hits, with a 3 stars duped Mordo)
Sp3 gain 3 more fury buffs or 2 fury buffs and 1 regen buffs...
Maybe someone else have better inputs on how to play this character properly...
Don’t make me unleash the power of the most defeating crystal opening I’ve ever experienced.
(And no...he’s not really a havoc counter. It was just a 5 minute “I can punch you more” match)
CapWW2 is an answer to last 10% of 6.2 champion boss. Champion procs so many buffs and capww2 will have perfect block against him.
He may not have heavy damage against heavy buff champs but his pb there will save you alot.
I used 4* capww2 in act 5 against buffed champs.
Dr. Zola
Seriously, I’m really sorry. Game team won’t admit it, but that’s a failed attempt at a champ. They should issue a refund, an apology, a free steak dinner (tofu if you’re Vegan), a full tank of gas and a fabulous Stan Lee no-prize to top it off.
This is a major beef of mine—isn’t it bad enough to waste 5* shards on them (and in some cases rankup gems when you have literally no one else to use them on)?
Why recycle garbage into more garbage?
I’m sure whales and addicts don’t even bat an eye, but I’m guessing most of the players who sucked it up when 5*’s displaced the same 4* champs they ranked up are more than a little fatigued by the team regurgitating same lazy design process.
Dr. Zola
Hello boys
I feel the pain... Same boat, same depression.
I’ll trade for your Winter boy. Lol