Mastering Ghost takes a lot of practice. Take her up to R3 learn how to play her. Night Thrasher needs a lot of commitment (awakening, high signature level, synergies) so I'd keep him where he is. Focus on Venom, he doesn't need his sig and he's pretty easy to play
Thank yall @Stark78Alfa@BenQcSlayer and @FreeToPlay_21 yea i cant get ghosts play style for nothing so i went with venom hes actually pretty damn good especially even for this event.
i guess venom is the best to, at least if you dont have wasp for the ghost synergy. Ps venom is a really good Counter to all spidermans and he is insane at doing bleeds, i am really happy to have him! Most of the others are useless, exept Ultron for AM, spidergwen (i am not to sure about how she is unduped), Hulk and yellowjacket if he is duped!
Ultron has been carrying me through this far but now got replaced by other champs that deal heavier damage. But venom has been working out great he literarly takes out the whole event, hulk is awesoke aswelll and so is yellojacket even unduped hes sting hits great. I just pulled carnage this weekend @BrudixTree
If you duped superior ironman... bring him in AQ.... 😜 he has got this little edge on him... but hes not a priority
Once you have mastered Ghost's play style, she takes the first place.
Most of the others are useless, exept Ultron for AM, spidergwen (i am not to sure about how she is unduped), Hulk and yellowjacket if he is duped!
Wouldn’t take spidergwen or night thrasher very high unless duped