OR. He drops enemies faster than Hype does. Hype needs heavys to make a dent in enemies. OR is like void, just no touching except Parry and enemy dies by their lonesome
Hyperion. People seriously need to open their eyes in this guy... hes not a new champ and people should have realised looong ago just how extremely powerful this guy is and that he is a utility god on a whole nother level. There are soo few match ups this guy cant do. And this is not saying omega is bad cause he obviously is damn good. Hyperion simply is better. Peace
yeah Hyperion, with your overall rosters, you should r5 Hyperion. Cause with omega you need a suicide mastery that only benefits him, particularly on Double Edge. I'm sure in your deep heart you're too hesitant to r5 OR since that suicide mastery keeps haunting your mind. Hyperion for sure... rank up him and let him pair with CAIW in your next progress. soon if you have CG or bleed suicide mastery champion, that's the time when you'll rank up OR. hopefully it helps;
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