Nick Fury attack animations

Reverend_RuckusReverend_Ruckus Member Posts: 407 ★★★
When using Nick Fury, his light and medium ending attacks both use a pistol. Why is it not counted as a projectile?


  • VatrisVatris Member Posts: 247 ★★
    Because it's a basic attack and that would be unfair considering every other champion in the game uses melee as a basic attack
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,655 ★★★★★
    edited July 2019
    Unlike some other champs who use projectile attacks (IMIWs repulsor blasts for ex) you can see if slowing down footage it takes a few seconds to hit into the enemy, hence it being ranged. Nick Furys, is unlike IMIWs, a point-blank shot, which he has his pistol basically in your face negating any travel time. He holds it so you can Parry it, as blocking, most champs hold arms or similar hard surface up, blocking impact of the pistol putting Nick (whoops) at a bad angle causing him to be temporarily stunned.
  • VatrisVatris Member Posts: 247 ★★
    Wait are we talking basic attacks or specials?
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,655 ★★★★★
    OP says ending attacks. With his pistols. Combo enders only happen on basic attacks (5 hits then it ends, Nicks enders are pistol shots)
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