5* champ trade or sell

I feel like if you are uncollected and have more then 15 5* champs you should have the ability to sell them or trade them for special crystal to insure not getting the same champ again. We as players sometimes pay our hard earned money for the chance to obtain such a champ there for they are our property and should be able to do with how we see fit weather to keep and or sell. Now I know I’ll get hate for this and that’s ok but for me I feel very strongly that if kabam doesn’t unlock this ability then people will leave this game once uncollected. I have currently 30 5* champs and would love to sell half to help get a 6* and for iso to rank out the champs that I like.
That gives us too many items like crystal shards that we can use for new champs without getting sucked into other extremely hard levels of content that requires dumping units or time into for completion rewards.
They obviously want us to buy crystals and not sell champs.