How does VTD genetic recode synergies work

Whenever I use VTD with the Gentic recode-aggression synergy , the one that increases the chance to gain frenzy buff by 25%, I never seem to get the frenzy buffs. I always seem to get perfect block chance or armor up. I know it’s a chance so I could be unlucky, but do u know how it works and could u explain it to me? It seems simple but I can’t wrap my mind around it.
50/50 chance for frenzy or survival
Making it a 16.6% chance to get a fury, power gain, precision, block chance, armor, or regen
Adding the synergy makes it
75/25 chance for frenzy or survival
Making it a 25% for fury, precision, or power gain
And a 8.33% chance for armor, regen, or block chance
Thanks for that
It helped me visualize
Writing it out helps me get it more