Why is there not a new boss rush we’ve had at least 3 months now without one isn’t it about time we get one and with buffed rewards to keep up with the level of competitiveness
I seem to recall it being in an announcement somewhere that one was coming soon. And if I remember correctly it was going to be champs and nodes picked by content creators.
They did announce it. I believe it was in the post where they were tlaking about the three months worth of summoner appreciation (lol). I was also looking for the summoner appreciation post (where they discussed it), but can't seem to find it. (Yes - I tried to search).
Yeah, I'm pretty sure it said September. They for sure mentioned this in the Summoner Appreciation in game message. Among other things that have yet to come about. As the Summoner Appreciation event is 3 months long, just going to have to wait for things to occur. Looking forward to the Boss Rush. Hopefully some 6* shard action in the rewards.
Although, I am a little disappointed we didn't get a Champion/Celebrity Challenge for the MCU release again. This is twice now so I'm gonna guess these events won't be as commonplace as they used to be. Which kind of blows as they were a lot of fun IMO. Each lane ramping up the difficulty, and then the final round in Chapter 2 being the pinnacle of difficulty for the Challenge.
Oh right cheers because I knew I saw something about it because I definitely remember reading the words boss rush in it I’m hoping the rewards are gonna be buffed as well
And if I remember correctly it was going to be champs and nodes picked by content creators.
But... I can't find it.
Although, I am a little disappointed we didn't get a Champion/Celebrity Challenge for the MCU release again. This is twice now so I'm gonna guess these events won't be as commonplace as they used to be. Which kind of blows as they were a lot of fun IMO. Each lane ramping up the difficulty, and then the final round in Chapter 2 being the pinnacle of difficulty for the Challenge.