Which 4 star to r4

Hey guys,
Current Situation is:
My Main Team is perfect and doesn't need anything more arm (VTD, venom, Medusa, omega Red and the hood)
One of These Champs would be ranked up for some more Arena points and for some occasionally fun gameplay, so pls also think of the fun, the champion makes while playing when you answer
Also for certain Situations These Champs can be pretty useful sothink of that, too
Vision Age of LulTron
Current Situation is:
My Main Team is perfect and doesn't need anything more arm (VTD, venom, Medusa, omega Red and the hood)
One of These Champs would be ranked up for some more Arena points and for some occasionally fun gameplay, so pls also think of the fun, the champion makes while playing when you answer
Also for certain Situations These Champs can be pretty useful sothink of that, too

Vision Age of LulTron
No contest really. His usefulness far outstrips the other 2.
VTD r3 5 star, soon r4
Hood r3 5 star
Venom r3 5 star
Medusa r5 4 star duped
Or r5 4 star duped sig 40
So Corvus would be the best champ maybe but not as useful cuz hes a 4 star r 4 and for a loong time He will stay at r4