From the looks of it, it’s for items on sale. Apparently there are no items for sale at the moment. It appears as well, they’d like you to please visit again later though.
From the looks of it, it’s for items on sale. Apparently there are no items for sale at the moment. It appears as well, they’d like you to please visit again later though.
It’s an answer which provides as much information as there is available on the matter. FYI, you didn’t need to use parenthesis before but and after coming in your first paragraph.
I would guess it is a new tab for when they put items on sale so its easier to find. As far as what types of items may be on sale, tladt time there was shards, cats health pots and energy. The first was cheapest and the cost escalated with quantity purchased. When it was mixed in with the featured items and coral last time it was difficult to find what u were looking for. This appears like its to make it easier when they have the next sale since there hasnt been an announcement about it your guess is as good as mine.
Sounds like your simple answer was as if that category had always existed, which it hasn’t.