Realizing Aegon as a 4* is useless!!

So I got Aegon as a 4* and was pretty excited. So many people talked about him being amazing. So I used a generic AG on him and then immediately started using Sig Stones on him. I used him some and wasn’t impressed, but I thought maybe it’s because I didn’t have him at max Sig???. So I’m pumped more Sig Stones in him. He is now almost maxed out and I still think he is mediocre at best. Some 4* champs are still usable in endgame content. (Void, AA, Blade,...)
Is it because he is a 4* maybe? I have noticed others post that he is best at Act 5+ content. Needs to be really long fights and long quests. I always find that he dies before you can really get him to a high enough combo. And that’s just from block damage here and there.
Here is where I am at in the game.
-Completed Act 5.
-100% Act 5.1& Act 5.4
-I have 43 - 5* champs.
So did I waste an AG and a bunch of Sig Stones? Is he not usable as a 4* in Endgame content (I know 4* cant be used in Act 6, but UC Monthly EQ, later paths Act 5)? At this point he is at 4/40 and I’m considering bringing him to 5/50, just hoping that makes the difference. But thought I would get opinions before doing so.
Is it because he is a 4* maybe? I have noticed others post that he is best at Act 5+ content. Needs to be really long fights and long quests. I always find that he dies before you can really get him to a high enough combo. And that’s just from block damage here and there.
Here is where I am at in the game.
-Completed Act 5.
-100% Act 5.1& Act 5.4
-I have 43 - 5* champs.
So did I waste an AG and a bunch of Sig Stones? Is he not usable as a 4* in Endgame content (I know 4* cant be used in Act 6, but UC Monthly EQ, later paths Act 5)? At this point he is at 4/40 and I’m considering bringing him to 5/50, just hoping that makes the difference. But thought I would get opinions before doing so.
It took me a bunch of revives but that is to be expected (about an odin’s worth).
Trust me, he’s not a hype champ. He’s worth it.
On the bright side, since Ægon 4* doesn’t hit as hard as a 5*, you will get bigger combos in shorter quests like uncollected difficulty if you have a stun immune Spidy on a biohazard node or something.
I do agree that he does take a unhealthy bit of block damage.
I am just trying to figure out if Aegon has a utility that makes him useful beyond just high damage. It seems to me that Aegons main purpose is these long big fights. That all seems to be endgame content, but by the time you make it to endgame content you most likely already have better options in a 5*. So what purpose does a 4* Aegon serve?
As an example by the time you make it to lol you most likely already have some great 5* options. Now a 5* Aegon I could see being very useful.
As you progress, I would say the depth of your roster is just as important as the breadth. If you're in AQ, AW, and EQ, you'll need more champs than Ghost, Stark, and Blade.
Don’t get me wrong, I still have few (7?) rank up max (gr, blade, Sparky, ghost, iceman etc) but I’ve stopped to rank the rest.. I think better to focus on 5* only and do not waste resources on 4*.
Just wonder if kabam and actually when kabam will allow to rank up 6* champions to 4/5 level..
I have a 5/50 4* at sig level 70. The damage he takes while blocking is too high for me on long quests, but I've been running him in AQ to get familiar with his style.
When I run him in AQ, I have an Ivan Drago attitude about him ("If he dies, he dies") and use the remaining 2 champs to clean up paths. But if my skill gets him to the end of the map, he is hitting like a freight train in the 3rd section.
I haven't run him in my effort to 100% complete Act 5 yet because I'm running suicides to support my 5* OR. I have run his 4* version to farm pots in RoL and it's fun even with suicides. I just run him to his S3 over and over and over. The stuns are nice and long and his damage really gets rolling.
If I had a 5* Aegon, I wouldn't have R5'ed my 4*, but my 4* is a lot more useful to get used to a champ than a 3*.
I pulled OR in 4* and awakened him and started to practice with him and the I lucked out and pulled a 5*. Did I waste resources? In hindsight, sure, but in the moment I made the best decision I could make with the roster I had.