Should individual player win and LOSSES for AW be posted after matches

Should individual player win and LOSSES for AW be posted after matches 15 votes
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3 votes
Not everyone is around to be able to look at this as the AW/AQ is coming to an end, and would be nice to be able to VIEW it after-the-fact.
First, those 4 stats are tracked because they are used for calculating MVP and skirmish rewards. I'm not sure losses wouldn't be truly accurate in the long run. Do you count each death even if you don't clear the node. Or only the deaths if you do? Was it against a tough fight or a boss? A miniboss or the very first fight? That they got disconnected? Did the game go into emergency maintenance? A timeout?
Why would you truly want the information? To be demoralized that you had X deaths during the war/season? To rationalize kicking someone because they had too many deaths? Kabam already removed anyone with 0 pts on alliance events. They don't seem to eager to get involved with alliance decisions.
Personally, I don't even look at that information even though I know its there. Keep it or add to it. But I'll get my information during the war by observation and discussions with my teammates to determine if someone is playing by the alliance rules and is a contributing member to the ally.