Season 9 War idiocracy

PyrocixPyrocix Member Posts: 76
Prior to season 9 in Gold tier 1, if you have diversity over 142 and an attack bonus of 175+ would net you a win. You couldn't see who you were fighting unless it was a mini boss or boss. This season (9), with an average attk bonus of 183 and full 150 diversity, you still might lose. We lost wars by 1 attk bonus with matchups ending at 187/188 being the decision. This isn't right kabam and it needs to change. Gold tier 1 should not be nearly as competitive as the platinum tiers and if you dip below gold 1, the rewards quickly turn to ****. What are your thoughts people? how did your alliance fair with this new map and node structure?


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Not sure where you are getting 183 for attack bonus....183/495 isn’t going to cut it for a win 😂😂
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  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 826 ★★★★
    Where are those numbers coming from? 165 is max attack bonus per BG.
  • LormifLormif Member Posts: 7,369 ★★★★★
    Pyrocix said:

    Prior to season 9 in Gold tier 1, if you have diversity over 142 and an attack bonus of 175+ would net you a win. You couldn't see who you were fighting unless it was a mini boss or boss. This season (9), with an average attk bonus of 183 and full 150 diversity, you still might lose. We lost wars by 1 attk bonus with match ups ending at 187/188 being the decision. This isn't right kabam and it needs to change. Gold tier 1 should not be nearly as competitive as the platinum tiers and if you dip below gold 1, the rewards quickly turn to ****. What are your thoughts people? how did your alliance fair with this new map and node structure?

    what you talking about Willis.. None of your post makes sense. Diversity does not define competitive, and loosing because of one kill is common at ALL ranks.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    Pyrocix said:

    Prior to season 9 in Gold tier 1, if you have diversity over 142 and an attack bonus of 175+ would net you a win. You couldn't see who you were fighting unless it was a mini boss or boss. This season (9), with an average attk bonus of 183 and full 150 diversity, you still might lose. We lost wars by 1 attk bonus with matchups ending at 187/188 being the decision. This isn't right kabam and it needs to change. Gold tier 1 should not be nearly as competitive as the platinum tiers and if you dip below gold 1, the rewards quickly turn to ****. What are your thoughts people? how did your alliance fair with this new map and node structure?

    I'm not sure what you're complaining about exactly. If war scores have gotten higher this season relative to the prior season in the Gold 1 bracket, that implies that wars got easier to fight for most alliances in that general level. When wars get harder, scores get lower, and lower scores will win. When wars get easier, scores get higher, and it takes a higher score to win. You seem to be complaining that wars got easier for alliances to score points in, but your alliance is falling behind the curve.

    Plus, I have no idea what you mean by "183" attack bonus. I can't think of any war configuration that would make that a reasonable winning attack bonus value.
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Also, on a side note.. gold 1 rewards are nothing special... 1125 t5b? 4500 t2a frags? Can get that with less than a full weeks worth of glory from the glory store... and it takes 4 weeks of war to get. Any gold rewards 1,2, or 3 are definitely for causal war alliances... even plat 3 isn’t anything to go crazy about. We do casual war for fun and higher level aq. Get more rewards in one week of aq than you get in a month of war... minus shards. Our alliance doesn’t really need shards though.. so was the easy choice. Wars are almost always close at most levels... maybe not the lower levels.

  • V1PER1987V1PER1987 Member Posts: 3,474 ★★★★★
    Basically what I gathered was your alliance lost because the other team has a better attack bonus and you’re complaining this isn’t fair somehow.
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Yes exactly, they should be able to use decent diversity and achieve a reasonable attack bo is and win every time.😂

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  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,106 ★★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    Bear3 said:

    Yes exactly, they should be able to use decent diversity and achieve a reasonable attack bo is and win every time.😂


    Woah now it shouldnt be competitive just give me the wins
    I heard there was free stuff so i came running
  • beaupoembeaupoem Member Posts: 443
    I'm not sure where the 175+ attack bonus came from either. our alliance gets 450+ attack bonus on a BAD day. gold 1 isn't that bad at all, and the fact that your wars are so close just means that the matchmaking is working to find appropriate matchups
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,964 ★★★★★
    Pyrocix said:

    Prior to season 9 in Gold tier 1, if you have diversity over 142 and an attack bonus of 175+ would net you a win. You couldn't see who you were fighting unless it was a mini boss or boss. This season (9), with an average attk bonus of 183 and full 150 diversity, you still might lose. We lost wars by 1 attk bonus with matchups ending at 187/188 being the decision. This isn't right kabam and it needs to change. Gold tier 1 should not be nearly as competitive as the platinum tiers and if you dip below gold 1, the rewards quickly turn to ****. What are your thoughts people? how did your alliance fair with this new map and node structure?

    You can lose by a small amount at any Bracket.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    Pyrocix said:

    Prior to season 9 in Gold tier 1, if you have diversity over 142 and an attack bonus of 175+ would net you a win. You couldn't see who you were fighting unless it was a mini boss or boss. This season (9), with an average attk bonus of 183 and full 150 diversity, you still might lose. We lost wars by 1 attk bonus with matchups ending at 187/188 being the decision. This isn't right kabam and it needs to change. Gold tier 1 should not be nearly as competitive as the platinum tiers and if you dip below gold 1, the rewards quickly turn to ****. What are your thoughts people? how did your alliance fair with this new map and node structure?

    Do you even war bro? 165 is the max attack bonus you can get. There wasnt any sure-fire win scenarios that have every existed unless the opponent didn't place. You score more points than the other team, you win.

    Also, why can't hold 1 be competitive exactly? We are also on season 10, not 9. If you lose a war because you were less diverse, lost more attack bonuses from dying more, not taking down defenders or even missing empty nodes or portals then that's on you as an alliance.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian

    Pyrocix said:

    Prior to season 9 in Gold tier 1, if you have diversity over 142 and an attack bonus of 175+ would net you a win. You couldn't see who you were fighting unless it was a mini boss or boss. This season (9), with an average attk bonus of 183 and full 150 diversity, you still might lose. We lost wars by 1 attk bonus with matchups ending at 187/188 being the decision. This isn't right kabam and it needs to change. Gold tier 1 should not be nearly as competitive as the platinum tiers and if you dip below gold 1, the rewards quickly turn to ****. What are your thoughts people? how did your alliance fair with this new map and node structure?

    You can lose by a small amount at any Bracket.
    I don't do very competitive war anymore, but the closest margin of victory for my alliance in season eight was 60 points, and in season nine it was 70 points. These are both less than one attack bonus worth of points, and in both cases we were in the Gold 1 bracket at the time (generally in tier 6).
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  • WhathappenedWhathappened Member Posts: 747 ★★★
    I'm not going to debate OP math but he is making a valid point. War sucks right now. Way to much unavoidable damage and goofy nodes. I used to just like war but now I hate it. We were Plat 3 last season and now in low gold 1 and I probably need more items now than before. I really don't have an issue with a more difficult map but it's the unavoidable damage that irks me. I realize the path has a lot to do with this but if it wasn't me it would be someone else. Junk...hate it.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian

    I'm not going to debate OP math but he is making a valid point. War sucks right now. Way to much unavoidable damage and goofy nodes. I used to just like war but now I hate it. We were Plat 3 last season and now in low gold 1 and I probably need more items now than before. I really don't have an issue with a more difficult map but it's the unavoidable damage that irks me. I realize the path has a lot to do with this but if it wasn't me it would be someone else. Junk...hate it.

    Is that the point the OP was making? How did you find "war sucks and has too much unavoidable damage" from a post complaining about the fact that they are losing close matches and scores that used to win last season are now losing this season. Setting aside whether it is true or false, doesn't that imply war has gotten *easier* not *harder* if the score necessary to win is now higher?

    The fact that the OP complains that last season you couldn't see most of the placement implies that he thinks the map has gotten easier this season, and because of that the average alliance in his tier is scoring more points, which forces them to score more points, and because scores are now closer they are also forced to maximize diversity. I'm pretty sure he's saying the exact opposite of what you're saying.
  • Panchulon21Panchulon21 Member Posts: 2,605 ★★★★★
    I’m still confused by the math lol. P3 wars got a lot harder. More bosses left up, lower attack bonuses but the math doesn’t add up to me. I hope he clarifies
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  • PyrocixPyrocix Member Posts: 76
    Good lord ya bunch of trolls. I hit the wrong damn number. 482 attk bonus with full diversity
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Pyrocix said:

    Good lord ya bunch of trolls. I hit the wrong damn number. 482 attk bonus with full diversity

    Dude you hit the wrong number 5 times.
    You know the old saying...
  • PyrocixPyrocix Member Posts: 76
    What it should have read is...
    if you have diversity over 142 and an attack bonus of 475+ would net you a win. You couldn't see who you were fighting unless it was a mini boss or boss. This season (9), with an average attk bonus of 483 and full 150 diversity, you still might lose. We lost wars by 1 attk bonus with matchups ending at 487/488 being the decision.

    With the ability to see all the champs you are fighting, there is no guessing about who you will fight. The alliances that didn't scout and chose poorly about which 3 champs to bring on attk would lose. Now, you can see all but path 7. The only actual challenge on the map. We have never finished lower than 400 rank in gold 1 and now we might not finish in gold 1 and we hardly died all season. War is supposed to be difficult to make it challenging and make people have to think. They have taken all the fun out of planning your war defense and actually earning a solid win.
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    Pyrocix said:

    Good lord ya bunch of trolls. I hit the wrong damn number. 482 attk bonus with full diversity you didn' even referred to this season as season 9 when its season 10...
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    edited July 2019
    Exactly... this ^

  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,426 Guardian
    Pyrocix said:

    Good lord ya bunch of trolls. I hit the wrong damn number. 482 attk bonus with full diversity

    The numbers aren't incidental to your complaint: you're specifically complaining about the specific numbers, then got them wrong several times, and also got the season wrong. It calls into question whether your attention to detail is impairing your ability to relate other details of the wars you've fought accurately.

    There's even a debate as to whether you're complaining wars got harder for you to score points, or that wars got easier for your opponents to score points. Because that's not very clear either.
  • Speeds80Speeds80 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★
    I think the matchmaking rules make it harder for mid range alliances this season and the fact more serious teams couldn’t be bothered with high end anymore for little reward, and end up fighting where we are in the matchmaking algorithms. It made more hard matchups at lower tiers, we used to be tier 6/7 and cruise to gold 1, my alliance friends secondary account made gold 1 and we didn’t because they got easy opponents all season due to low prestige and prestige being a matchmaking factor. We got stuck with mostly losses by 1-5 deaths and ended up dropping all the way to tier 10, the nodes are a walkthrough for decent players but we aren’t focussed on war and don’t kick people who die a couple times in most wars as they are pulling their weight where we ask them in aq. The issue I have is the artificial bubble that’s been created by the matchmaking where low prestige alliances never have to fight the teams they are displacing in season rewards, we would cane my alliance friends secondary account alliance but they beat us because they get easy matchups all season
  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    Pyrocix said:

    Good lord ya bunch of trolls. I hit the wrong damn number. 482 attk bonus with full diversity

    Using your math....
    175+ attack bonus + 150/season 9 x gold 1 competitiveness - 187 attack bonus= you need help with Mysterio in UC..

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  • DemonzfyreDemonzfyre Member Posts: 22,782 ★★★★★
    Drooped2 said:

    Pyrocix said:

    Good lord ya bunch of trolls. I hit the wrong damn number. 482 attk bonus with full diversity

    Using your math....
    175+ attack bonus + 150/season 9 x gold 1 competitiveness - 187 attack bonus= you need help with Mysterio in UC..

    495 attack +150 diverse=thanos nerf?
    No I think that equals Namor nerf.
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