Mr. Wet Noodles is currently the worst champion of the Black Order (in my humble opinion).
So my question is :
Do you think Mr. Wet Noodles should be buff, or do you think this character can currently exploit his abilities 100% (without the need to be retouched)?
PS : sorry for my english i'm french
So my question is :
Do you think Mr. Wet Noodles should be buff, or do you think this character can currently exploit his abilities 100% (without the need to be retouched)?
PS : sorry for my english i'm french
His mechanics seem good from the very little I have used him in arena - he’s not getting ranked up with his current damage output unless I suddenly have T2A leaking out of my ears.
The problem with him isn’t his design IMO, in theory he has his uses (I just see no point in testing them in his current state as his damage is too woeful to justify his small utility).
If they just slapped a 0 on the end of his hits he would be a viable champion to play with.
@Notcho59 I personally don’t think that any character is designed solely to have 0 use outside of Alliance War Defence, or at least they should not. I get that some will be more useful as defenders, like Maw is, but they should still be usable in offensive content. There is no reason that Kabam should actively be releasing a meme tier attacker than turns out to be a God tier defender as ‘compensation’.
His only issue is DPS imo, should also be immune to control reversal as his mind is doing all the heavy lifting.