Updated Rank Up Options

10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
Still looking at which 5* to take to R4, but adjusting the options based on recent developments and the last polls results. Next steps are initial pass of 6.2, 100% 6.1 and 6.2, both Variants, and maybe 100% LoL at some point (I have competed the easy path). Solid AW defense is a plus, but not a deal breaker.

And I know this is definitely a MCOC "first world" problem since these are great champs (I have plenty of garbage that balances them out, trust me).

Updated Rank Up Options 17 votes

Namor (Sig 58)
Charlie_SceneFhfjghhggggjfhfjgKerguelenMastermatt_409Kevo9513buffed_seaw33dRWBarninka 7 votes
Aegon (Sig 85)
BoogerPresleyscience22Maldroit2MiStaLovaBLACKMILKTEA_88 5 votes
Hyperion (Sig 60)
Stark78AlfaObaid_Jacob03Thoye3 3 votes
Havok (Sig 20)
SnakeEyes69 1 vote
Archangel (Sig 40)
Venom the Duck (Unduped)
Antmanantboy 1 vote
Thing (Sig 70)


  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★

    It looks like I may be able to take 2 up. One will almost definitely be Cosmic, so who would folks suggest between Hyperion and Venom the Duck? The other will most likely be either Namor or Aegon, depending on if I can get my skill or mutant T4CCs up first.
  • Stark78AlfaStark78Alfa Member Posts: 502
    Hyperion (Sig 60)
    One 5* 5/65 will do more for you than 2 5* 4/55... so choose wisely.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★
    @Stark78Alfa that is true. However, I just recently used up all my T5Bs, so it'll be a while before I have those for another 5/65. Getting 2 more top champs to 4/55 positions more options for when I get those T5Bs. But I do appreciate the advice.

    I ended up taking up Hyperion and Aegon, and have gotten Aegon's sig to 99 so far. No regrets on either rank up so far.
  • Stark78AlfaStark78Alfa Member Posts: 502
    Hyperion (Sig 60)
    Hyperion and Aegon are excellent. All the other options are also very good. You could not go wrong there.
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