5 star shard crystal

I've one 5 star champion which is Dr. Voodoo and I got him month before my first 4 star champ which was Thor (ragnarok) , Got lucky right?
Now the thing is I don't want any stupid champion that waste my 5 star shard...
So should I wait for more 5000 shard and open featured 5 star shard crystal or it isn't worth that??
It's not easy for 5 star shard to get atmy level (37) but still I hope that I don't get any stupid champ..lol...
Now the thing is I don't want any stupid champion that waste my 5 star shard...
So should I wait for more 5000 shard and open featured 5 star shard crystal or it isn't worth that??
It's not easy for 5 star shard to get atmy level (37) but still I hope that I don't get any stupid champ..lol...
Better to play the odds in getting more vs shooting too high too early. You could just as easily land a Hulkbuster from the Feature as you could from the Basic as it's all dictated by RNG. To be quite honest, you actually have a greater chance to get him from the Feature simply by numbers. Yes, there's some nice champs in the Feature. Landing a Namor would be fantastic. Just the same, it's a heck of a gamble at your level.