Aegon masteries

I have a 4* 5/50 awakened aegon. Sig 58
Looking for suggestions for masteries to use with him along with a 5* ghost rider and 4* 5/50 quake
Looking for suggestions for masteries to use with him along with a 5* ghost rider and 4* 5/50 quake
But, to answer your question, mastery wise, truly it doesn't matter very much once your combo count gets higher. Max out cruelty if you haven't already, glass cannon would be worth maxing out too. Don't bother with suicides. His bleed on the sp2 can be very strong, so you could consider ranking up deep wounds.
Do what you can to get him to max signature level - that's probably the most important step next.
I have salve and the other healing mastery there as well as cruelty. Though I don't recall if it's maxed out or not yet.
The team I regularly run is that 5* r3 gr and then 5 50 quake and aegon and then 2 4 40s either arc Hyperion proxima or doc oc depending on gates and fights