Alliances already swapping to shells to avoid War Rating freezing

Alliances are already finding ways to sidestep the implementation of frozen war ratings in the off season. By using old shells or creating new ones, these alliances can take advantage of low or very low ratings to basically harvest free shards. I guarantee this will continue to happen until war ratings are locked onto individual accounts and not alliance shells. Until then, top tier alliances will get to take advantage of lower tier teams both in and out of season.
It's maybe not perfect but it's better than before
If an alliance's war rating is frozen, they can literally run no-item use, 2* wars for participation rewards with zero penalty and without having to move anywhere. Those participation rewards are better than winning a war at lower tiers, and they don't have to forego SA rewards in the process.
You can't tank your war rating during off season anymore. So, if you have a shell with a low war rating, you jump to that low rating shell. Rinse and repeat with multiple shells.
The other possibility is they're doing it so they can still buy illicit donations. When the 7 day donation lockout period was implemented, alliances lost the ability to momentarily bring in single accounts for massive donation dumps. Jumping to a shell allows you to do this again and not worry about your current shell. It's a little more difficult for the person dumping because they have to wait a week. But, it's still a workaround.
Say you have an intense day-to-day job (high-tier season AW). You are paid a base salary (participation rewards) but also get bonuses for doing well in the job (wins). Then, for 2 weeks you can still get paid your base salary whether you continue to work hard (for some modest bonuses, aka win) or sit at your desk in your underwear just for "clocking in".
Why would they then take up a different job down the road at McDonalds where they would have to "work hard" just to earn what they could have gotten for sitting around in their underwear?
Or is this a case of opening up your cushy job to your poor friends who normally work at McDonalds? They can get your base salary to get themselves ahead while you enjoy some time off.
Main accounts in Ally A
Alt accounts in Ally B
Ally A finishes season with high ranking, Ally B finishes season with mid-level ranking. Main and Alt accounts swap alliances. Ally B then uses the easy matchups to quickly climb the ladder to high ranking rewards while Ally A tank matches to make it a mid-tier ally for the following season.
Simple solution: tie war rankings to the account, not the alliance. It would be like AQ and prestige. The rankings over a certain threshold would be locked in the offseason like the new rules.
Also I think it’s funny that because all the top alliances were tanking they were still getting matched together in the end anyway when season started so hadn’t actually achieved anything 😝
War rating is an indication of an alliance’s ability in war. Having some plat players join a gold ally will increase the gold ally’s war abilities. So that is correctly reflected by an increase in war rating.
Imo, this is the fairest way in determining war rating.
Dr. Zola